
James Bond, Agent 007 sits in a Miami airport waiting to fly home from his most recent assignment. When his plane is delayed for 48 hours, Bond accepts an offer from a wealthy acquaintance to investigate whether or not the man is being cheated at cards. The pay for this small service is to be 10,000 pounds. The man is playing cards with Auric Goldfinger, the wealthy owner of a metallurgical empire. Keeping careful watch on Goldfinger’s hotel room, Bond soon discovers the cheater’s method and forces him to give all of the money back. Returning to London, Bond is soon assigned to investigate Goldfinger, who, in addition to being a cheat, is also the biggest gold-smuggler in England.

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When the war began a young little girl named Therese was left by her father who had gone on duty. The soldier’s sister soon became like a mother to young Theresa. Therese’s aunt was a kind and warm woman. Besides her niece, she also looked after her own son who had been ill all his life. If the young boy had had a father then perhaps he would have been a much stronger man with good health. Little Therese lived a quite simple life without troubles but without much happiness. She had many responsibilities and not much free time. All choices in her life were made by her aunt. Because Therese’s cousin was ill she even cannot go to school as did other girls her age. When Therese grew up her aunt decided that her own son should marry his cousin. The poor girl had no choice in the matter. After the wedding all of the family moved to a new city. Now it seemed that a new life had begun – but it had not.

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Will’s life looks like a teenager’s dream. He doesn’t work. All days he spends with TV or has a fun with women or else. But suddenly his life has changed once. He has discovered other people with their uneasy problems. Will doesn’t care about others, because he is an “island”. According to his philosophy all people are “islands” and they are separate and unrelated. But the boy Marcus has appeared in his life. First Marcus annoys of him, but later he has become his friend. Will wants help Marcus to improve life. But when you help others all your life will be able to get better. Boy helped Will to find true values and Will helped Marcus to survive at school, adapted to the difficult teenager’s life. This story is about an adult inside of a child and a child inside of an adult.

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Once Jack – the head of the Durbeyfield family, accidentally reveals that his family is descended from the ancient knightly family d’Urberville. Jack goes to pub to celebrate the gentility of his family. There he learns that some Mr. Stoke-d’Urberville living not far away. The next day on the morning Jack cannot wake up, so Tess had to drive products with the help of their only value possession – the horse. Tess Young and her little brother went to the town. But unluckily they fall asleep while were driving and their horse crashed into a wood and died. Mother insists that Tess should go to the Stoke-d’Urberville. She hopes he might help them as realities. But indeed he hasn’t any connection with the d’Urbervilles, he only took that name from local history book. But he really liked the young Tess and he is not very shy to show his fondness.

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Four members of a team making a geological survey for a mining company find themselves trapped deep in a forest when they are delayed by heavy rains. Can Leon successfully lead them to safety?

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Maggie Tulliver’s first love was very strong, but her lover wasn’t aproved by her whole family and particularly her brother who extremely hated him. As Maggie was were where devoted to her family she broke relationships with her boyfriend. That it was only a begging of her love sufferings. Later she fell in love with her cousin’s betrothed. The choices she had to make are painful ones, as either way she standed to lose – either the man she loves or the respect of her friends and family.

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There is a strange thing about Ireland – no snakes live there. There are snakes in England and Scotland and Wales, the countries of Great Britain. But there are no snakes on the island of Ireland. There is a very old story about this. Long ago – in about the year 400 AD – a holy man came to Ireland. He was Saint Patrick. He came to teach the people about Christianity. At that time, there were many snakes in Ireland. Saint Patrick quickly destroyed all the snakes except one. The saint could not catch this clever old snake. So Patrick made a beautiful box and he showed it to the old snake. He invited the snake to look inside the box. The snake got into the box and Saint Patrick quickly shut the lid. Then he threw the box and the snake into the sea. So now people say that there are no snakes in Ireland because Saint Patrick killed all of them. But this story not about Patric it is about indian student Harkishan Ram Lai who haы to work to earn money for studying. He decided to work as a builder, but his foremaster is hard and cruel man who doesn’t like foreignersю

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